
[pronounced a.dɪ.kɐs; Ancient Greek adj., “unjust” (from ἀ- [a-], “not” + δίκη [dike], “justice”)]

Welcome to adikos.net. Happy to have you here! Feel free to check out my blog posts!

This site is always evolving, so please check back for updates, which are made whenever I have the time or inclination to do so!

This site is generated using Hugo, a lightweight, fast, yet incredibly versatile static-site generator written in Go. Check out my post on Hugo for more information. That post is geared towards people wanting to update their Hugo site on a tablet or multiple devices, but it also talks a bit about setting Hugo up in general. I really love its simplicity, especially compared to something like WordPress. Still loving it even a couple of years later!

Currently Reading:

  • Kate Chopin, The Awakening and other stories (2000): A collection of the writer Kate Chopin’s short stories, as well as the full-length novel The Awakening. I read the novel in undergrad and I remember enjoying it, but I haven’t read anything else by her, so this will be interesting. The novel is at the end of the volume, and I waffled about reading it again, but it’s been 20ish years, so I’m down to check it out again.
  • Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (2006): I remember watching and really enjoying the movie Lincoln, which was heavily based on this book. It’s a huge book, but I think it’ll be a really interesting look at Abraham Lincoln.

Please note that I started a reading log that the “currently reading” books will eventually go to! Hope you find this useful!

I previously recommended the Dark Visitors project, which rolls a nice robots.txt to block AI scrapers and bots. However, the site doesn’t provide a raw robots.txt any more, but forces you to use either their API or WordPress plugin only, which is not going to work for me. I would recommend the alternate project ai.robots.txt instead, which builds upon that work and provides a raw robots.txt if desired. I may have to create a cron script to update robots.txt in my Hugo static/ directory every day or two and rebuild and upload the site…

If you’re interested in chill, relaxing games, please check out my Chill Games post. A friend inspired me to compile the list, and I’m trying to add to it all the time. Feel free to provide suggestions! I’m trying to update it more often, as I know it sorely needs updates.

My friend gom from Mastodon kindly provided a guide to Zoom alternatives, which I offered to publish here on my site. Please either contact them via Mastodon, or via the email linked within the piece, if you have suggestions, thoughts, or updates. You can find it here: Zooming Out. There have been a few updates to this list since its initial publication on 18 Oct 2020. It needs some reformatting for its Hugo version, and may see some more updates.

Public Service

  • LibreTranslate: LibreTranslate is meant to be a self-hosted Google Translate replacement. As far as I know, it currently supports around 60 languages, and is very nice to use once it’s set up.
    • Please check out my post about how I got it to work on YunoHost with more than English<->French (the default settings).
    • Please feel free to use, no API keys required, and I hope it helps you with translating whatever you need translated!
    • LibreTranslate can be self-hosted, of course; find the code here.

I’d like to provide some more public services, but I’m not sure what y’all would like. I used to provide Invidious & Piped (YouTube frontends), but they stopped functioning due to YouTube becoming more and more hostile to such endeavors. I briefly considered CryptPad, but it was too difficult to set up. So I’m always looking for new stuff to provide for free and the public good (pro bono publico).

Private Services

  • Vaultwarden is an open-source, secure password manager that stores your passwords and other secrets encrypted in the cloud. It also works really nicely with smartphone apps, especially on Android.
    • Vaultwarden is an alternative implementation of Bitwarden, the original project.
    • This instance is private (sorry!), but you can create your own Vaultwarden/Bitwarden instance on your own hosting! Bitwarden also offers free accounts on their main site, and has a few paid pro features available. I would encourage you to set up your own instance if you self-host, however, as it’s not too difficult at all!
    • If you and I are friends, though, reach out to me and perhaps I can arrange an account for you…
  • NextCloud is a great alternative to cloud file storage such as Google Drive, and allows one to sync files, contacts, and even calendars, accessible on multiple devices, including Android and others.
    • This instance is private (sorry!). But you can create your own NextCloud instance on your own hosting!
  • Navidrome is a self-hosted music streaming platform that I just found out about! I got it installed very easily and it was super straightforward.
    • This instance is also private, but feel free to look into hosting your own instance here!
    • Navidrome has Subsonic support, so you can hook up an app to it if desired!
  • Wallabag is a great piece of software allowing you to convert webpages, content and all (for the most part), to “articles” that you can read later. Think of it like a Pinterest that actually backs up the content and isn’t just a glorified bookmarks manager! The “articles” do link to the original website, of course, so you can check it out, or even refresh your saved copy as needed.
    • This instance is also private, but you’re welcome to create your own Wallabag instance on your own hosting!
    • YunoHost thankfully has their own packaged version of Wallabag, so it was super easy to install.
  • XMPP is an open, extensible chat protocol. I run the Metronome XMPP server via YunoHost.
    • XMPP is quite nice since you can set it up to use OMEMO end-to-end encryption, technology that Signal’s encryption protocol was later built upon.
    • Previously, YunoHost used to have Metronome built-in, but in the latest release, they separated it out.

Thanks so much for visiting, friends!