
XMPP: (feel free to say hi, though I’d prefer if we’ve spoken elsewhere first, such as Mastodon or email vel sim.)

  • XMPP is an open-source chat protocol; Google Chat as well as Facebook Chat used to be founded on XMPP, IIRC. I run it on my server via YunoHost and it’s really lovely.
  • I started using XMPP instead of Matrix, as XMPP can also be end-to-end encrypted using OMEMO encryption (the same encryption used for things like Signal).

Social Media: The only social media I am on these days is Mastodon, a decentralized, federated social network. The best analogy is that it’s like a decentralized Twitter. Learn more about Mastodon at

  • I have an account on, an excellent, well-moderated, fun, and friendly Mastodon instance:
  • Mastodon is one of the implementations of the ActivityPub protocol, part of a constellation of servers running different implementations that many call the “fediverse” ("federated universe"). For most people, just like the classic “GNU/Linux” debate, “Mastodon” is an acceptable shorthand; I would say don’t stress too much about it. “Fediverse” is probably a more diplomatic term for the collection of servers, though, making up the network.
  • Here are a couple of good introductions to the fediverse: one by Merlin J Star, and another by naye. I am sure there are others, but these were some of the most recent ones in my bookmarks.