felicissimum aequinoctium auctumnale
As the title says, felicissimum aequinoctium auctumnale, friends! That means, in Latin, “a very happy autumnal equinox!” I’ve been thinking of this post for awhile now and happy to share it with you all, fully-formed, like Athene from Zeus’ head, from my brain and hands via the keyboard to y’all. I really enjoy the season of autumn, and I’m excited to see falling leaves and changing colors across the landscape. It’s second only to my love for winter; summer is dead last of the four, and spring is just behind autumn.
Calm Friday
It’s the end of another long week, somehow. I feel like I was on the hamster wheel this week, sorta, and getting lots done but at the same time there is a backlog of stuff to do. I guess the work never ends and that’s OK. Every day is a little different, with something interesting just around the corner. I have a lot of Latin to work on this weekend, but not quite as much as last weekend, so that’s good. I’ll try to knock it out tomorrow morning and then we’ll do something fun. And I’m doing D&D on Sunday, so that’ll be great!
A shining memory
I’ve had an image stuck in my head lately. A little background: years ago, I thought up a calmative, soothing image that I could focus on in my head, either when I was trying to relax or trying to go to sleep. It involved a glassy plain (parts of this were inspired by the depths of the Lunar Subterranean in FFIV), yawning wide beneath a starry night sky, with dark mountains nearby, and nothing else around. So this image is kinda like that, but it’s from real life, and a memory.
Let's Get Meta
I gotta say I’m really enjoying Hugo and learning my way, very slowly, around Markdown. Emacs certainly helps with composition. And honestly Markdown is really easy overall. I remember back in the day when I was first learning to code webpages, and writing HTML by hand, with a whole lot of trial and error. I found a nice Markdown guide if you’re interested in learning. Seriously, I just skimmed through it right now and it was a great little crash course. A friend on Mastodon gave me another guide that I need to check out soon too.
Hugo on the go
Welcome! Here I’m attempting to chronicle my attempts (and many errors) at being able to update my Hugo site from my tablet. It took a while to figure it out, but I think I’ve sorted out a proper workflow to get it to work without a hitch. I’m doing this on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite Wifi (SM-P610), but you can certainly get it to work on any other device, including a phone, if you so choose; you can do this in a number of ways.
Hello from my tablet
Hello there! I’m writing this in Markor on my tablet. I set it up so I can ssh into the VPS from my tablet.
I might take this down in a bit. But I wanted to upload it and see how it goes. So if you see this, it may only be temporary!
- I have the whole directory synced to NextCloud from my laptop.
- As a result, I’d like to be able to pull it down to the tablet, run hugo, then rsync it.
- However, I can’t seem to access NextCloud files from Termux. Which is probably for the best, but still…
So I guess I can write an entry on here, let NextCloud sync with the laptop, then regenerate in Hugo on there, and upload from there?
Erstwhile DJ days
Update 02 Jun 2022
I’m working on reuploading and relinking the mp3s, stay tuned… OK, they’re reuploaded. Be warned that the first track says it’s 21min and it’s only about 10. I tried to snip the extraneous bits on the command-line, but maybe I should use an actual editor to do that. Otherwise, the files should work just fine.
So I was posting on Mastodon about this recently. Back in about 2000 or 2001, my parents were kind enough to get me a DJ setup: two turntables (no microphone) and a mixer. I ended up buying a bunch of vinyl from our local indie shop, House of Records, and loved spending time there. I even bought some vinyl in the UK back in 2000 when I was there and took it all the way home with me.
On Self-Hosting: some thoughts
Last updated 26 May 2024: various updates, caveats about WordPress
So I’ve been self-hosting for a few years now (since August 2020), and it’s been an interesting time. I’ve really enjoyed it, but also had a lot of learning experiences along the way. I wanted to share my experience and give some insights about what I’ve learned over this time. I’m learning all the time, and I’ve barely scratched the surface.
A Deep Dive into Alaska in Winter
No, I am not talking about literally diving into Alaska in the dead of winter. That would be foolhardy at best, and frostbite-inducing at worst. I’m talking about one of the best bands you’ve likely never heard of, Alaska in Winter – one of my favorites for close to 15 years now. (CW: mental health, suicide mentioned within, caveat lector)
First of all, what is Alaska in Winter? Alaska in Winter is a solo project by the elusive Brandon Bethancourt, who, as far as I know, has spent most of his time making music in Albuquerque, New Mexico (with a detour to Alaska and even Berlin). As far as the legend goes, the name stems from a winter he spent in, you guessed it, Alaska, making music in an isolated cabin. That music, The Cabin Sessions, has thus far never been released (what a shame!). Brandon’s music is synthy, poppy, vocoder-drenched, and full of energy and meaning at the same time.
Pixelated Glitchy Dreams
It’s been a pensive weekend in many ways. We have a 3-day weekend, for which I am very grateful, and I’ve rested up a lot and recuperated from the barrage of work lately. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my job, but neither me nor my wife have had a vacation in way too long. We have a week-long vacation coming up soon to see my family in Oregon, and I’m super, super excited about it as a chance to recharge. I haven’t seen my mom since 2018, and haven’t seen my dad for almost as long, and haven’t seen my sister since 2018 either.